I’ve stopped blogging in favour of writing, moving house, researching more music, touring and generally having full days!
But there are a few highlights. In November I performed with the Ragtime Parlour Band in CBC’s Glenn Gould Studio in Toronto, and then again at the Zoomer Show in a vast, vast building on the shores of Lake Ontario.
Back in London, I was with Albert Ball’s Flying Aces as the headliners at Chap Magazine’s Grand Anarcho-Dandyist Ball. We came on after Mr B. the Gentleman Rhymer and a man who walked a tightrope while playing a violin. There was a flea-circus as well, but I never managed to see any fleas doing anything. I suspect they’re rather like Sea-Monkeys, a disappointment of my youth.
The Chap is great fun and I urge anyone who hasn’t read it to order a copy forthwith. Full of entertaining, quirky frivolity as well as extremely useful information, it is a very stylish way to buck the trends of our corporate-run, homogenized world. Also! They’re selling Our Lovely Day on their site! If you don’t want to support tax-dodging Amazon, please go and buy your copy HERE at the Chap, and also treat yourself to a magazine. The current issue is on Eccentrics.
In January, February and March I am embarking on a tour of one hundred concerts in Nursing Homes in and around Vancouver, BC. This will be through HealthArts and is something special. I hope to try out a lot of Canadian ragtime, and collect stories, and get together material for a CD!
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