There will be Bach, WW1 Cabaret, Victorian Christmas cheer and some rare songs from the Crimean war in November!

And Songs of the Great War is now carried at Foyles on Charing Cross Road, so all those who distrust Paypal have another alternative, and a jolly lovely one at that. It is a GORGEOUS bookshop with one of the last proper Classical CD departments in London. wfa_website_logoVERY nice review (CLICK HERE to read it) from the Western Front Association!

Back to the gigs. First of all the Bach Collective celebrates forty years of Bach in the City of London, started by Peter Lea-Cox in 1976. I actually sang under Lea-Cox just before he retired, when I first came to London (NOT in 1976!), and he wrote his own settings under the name “Lecosaldi” which I always thought very clever! On Remembrance Day and Sunday evening we will be doing Cantatas 61 and 62, rather upbeat works, and very different from my Remembrance Day musical activities of the last five years!

princelet-streetAnd at 4 Princelet Street, a staggeringly atmospheric venue in Spitalfields, there will be a really marvellous event, on the 19th. The fabulously reasonably-priced ticket will get you a drink, egg and chips, a film, a talk, and a 1910s WW1 Cabaret with me plus Matt plus as many instruments as he can pack into the space. It will be lit entirely by beeswax candles, so I’m told, so it will smell gorgeous as well. Very limited number of tickets available due to the intimacy of the space, so if you’re at all interested, do not delay! Tickets HERE.

On the 17th, two days before, we will be at Gloucester Quays for their Christmas Market, performing the completely authentic Victorian stuff we’re famed for…here’s a video of last year’s:

This year I have the same dress in red! Speaking of red, we did a very special event at the Whitgift “Remembering 1916” exhibition…the descendants of the Red Baron, Freiherr and Freifrau von Richthoven, came along to meet descendants of the first Britons the Baron shot down, that very day a hundred years earlier. Together they drank Schnapps and ate a three-course meal in the exhibition itself, as Matt and I performed Roses of Picardy in German and English, and many other 1910s songs. Toward the end of the evening, Freifrau Elisabeth von Richthoven asked us for “something modern”, Ebony and Ivory to be specific! Red Baron WhitgiftLuckily Matt knows every song ever written and played it on the 1910s Pleyel. Frieherr Donat von Richthoven had red-rimmed glasses, and I wore a red dress.

This exhibition has been extended until April, thank goodness. It is brilliant.

And we seem to be the go-to people for wars, as we have dug out some Broadside Ballads for the conclusion of Valence House’s Sebastopol Project. So come on out to Dagenham to hear “Come all you gallant Britons bold, Huzzah my boys, Huzzah!” Real Flashman stuff.

The Renaissance CD will be out before Christmas, by maybe a couple of weeks! Anyone buying CDs from me knows, however, that I do not delay getting things out to you. I am very diligent in that regard! No time is wasted. Please do take a look at the YouTube page as I upload new things as often as I can. The latest is the footage from the opening of the Remembering 1916 exhibition at Whitgift, featuring the wonderful and enormously talented Simon Lane at the Fazioli. This version of Roses of Picardy is in English only. Next time I upload the song I hope it will be in the German-English version, or the French one I found at the Somme!

One visitor left a comment...

  1. Bill Says:

    You were spot on…it truly was a fabulous evening last Saturday at Princelet Street…a superb evocation of Talbot House, proper-looking WW1 soldiers…a charmingly convincing ‘French’ madame ensuring we were all at ease as we scoffed our (all included) egg chips and wine…top class entertainment from you, Matt and the magician…and even a friendly wave through the window as we left. It could not have been bettered… very many thanks to all involved!

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